Looking for an active break for all the family, then look no further, we’ve got it covered.
Cycling, in our opinion is something the family can do together. We have plenty of ideas for you & the family when you come & experience this beautiful region of Italy.

Don’t worry if one of you doesn’t cycle, contact us & we’ll give you the options we have available.

Special offer: 8 cyclist go for the price of 7, so why not bring another family along to take advantage of this offer.

We are not like other cycle tours who charge a supplement for single rooms we will refund you £45 per person when you share a two or three person room.


Day 1

Welcome to Abruzzo.
Transfer from Pescara Airport (or Rome or Ancona). You will be met at the airport and transported to your hotel where you will meet the owners and some of more of the team. That evening a local authentic restaurant will welcome you with local produce and award winning wines. During the meal meet the team that will be there to help you have a fantastic memorable holiday.

After the meal it is back to the hotel to prepare for the next morning in your own way.

This is an example but we can bespoke for the client to suit their cycling holiday needs.


Day 2

07:30 – Breakfast Take your time and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
09:00 – briefing for all cyclists and meet your guides, mechanic and support again.
09:30 – those who have their own bikes (which you can keep in your room) they will cycle from the hotel and meet those picking up their hire bikes from ex. Giro D’Italia mechanic Paride.

We have a number of routes and these will be discussed with you to make your cycle holiday special. Coffee and lunch stops on the way.
Evening meal at the hotel.


Day 3

Breakfast from 07:30. Briefing will be held at 0830 then we will all travel to The Gran Sasso which is visible from the hotel.

Today we will take you to a beautiful part of Abruzzo which hosted The Giro D’Italia in 2018 – The Gran Sasso. Starting from the stunning village of Santo Stefano Di Sessanio you will cycle where the Professionals cycled and enjoy the fantastic scenery. This route will allow you appreciate the area, a camera is a must.

Lunch will be taken along the way.

After lunch we will continue to Castel del Monte and Rocco Calascio which has been used in numerous films over the years. You will have time for a visit or just rest with a coffee or cold drink.

From here it is nearly all downhill via a few undulations, nearly 20kms. So if your legs are tired this is the time to rest them.
Then it is back to the hotel for a rest before the evening meal.


Day 4

07:30 – Breakfast.
08:30 – Briefing.

Today you will cycle to Guardiagrele then Bocca Di Valle. You will stop for lunch at a local brewery in Pretoro. Drinking the beer is not compulsory as there will be samples in your rooms on your return to the hotel. After lunch we will continue on the route stopping along the way for a coffee before finally arriving back at the hotel.

Tonight will be wine tasting with the local vineyard owners and complementary local food.


Day 5

07:30 – Breakfast.
08:30 – Briefing.

Today you will travel down to the sea and travel along the Trabocchi Coast where you will see Trabucco – fishing huts on piles out in the Adriatic. Very unusual!!

From here we cycle inland stopping for coffee and lunch. Then it is back to hotel via beautiful scenery and sleepy villages.
Evening meal tonight will be at a local restaurant for the last night.


Day 6

For some transfers will take place to link with your flights in the morning. The transfer times will be discussed and organised at time of booking.
The Ryanair flight on most days leaves late so there is an opportunity to cycle again.

Will it be a challenge day on your last day, do want to try the Blockhaus the scene of the infamous Sky team hitting the police motorcyclists in 2017 or a nice relaxing cycle, you can choose.

The day is yours and we can use our local knowledge to make the most of the time, there is plenty more to do and see in Abruzzo.

Canosa Sannita

Canosa Sannita is a comune and town in the province of Chieti, Abruzzo, central Italy. Economy is mostly based on agriculture, located at 231 meters of altitude. In 18th century Italy Canosa belonged to the Abruzzo Citra province of the Kingdom of Naples and compiled the “Catasto Onciario” in 1742.

Canosa Sannita was also part of the WW2 German defences preventing the Allied advance called The Gustav Line. It suffered as did many towns and villages in the area. The church was blown up as the Germans withdrew leaving only rubble and bells which were saved and still used today in the new church. (At the Adriatic end of the line was the town on the coast called Ortona. The battle that raged around the town has been called “Italy’s Stalingrad”).

Now, it is a very friendly town which boasts a number of local shops for your convenience. They have their own football team and stadium. There is also has a large gym, which also runs fitnesses classes.

Canosa is classed as “Central Italy” so we are spoilt for choice of where to go and what to do. Towards the east is the coast line with sandy beaches and a warm Adriatic Sea to swim or partake in water activities  only 12.5km away and airport only 27km away. Towards the west is of course the mountains about 17km away and the beautiful city of Rome is only a 2 hour drive away.

Tour Reviews

5.00 based on 1 review
July 5, 2020

As a family, when we holiday, we like to cycle, run, meditate, have fun and relax with good food and wine.
With Giro d’Abruzzo, we had all of that and more.
The area was truly amazing. We were surrounded by mountains, the sea, vineyards, olive trees and cherry trees.
The food, organic wine and accommodation were better than we ever could have imagined.
When eating out and stopping at a local cafe’s, you will be amazed how cheap it is considering other places we have stayed.
We were so impressed, we have already booked for 2020 as the flights are so Cheap for a return flight to Pescara.
Thanks Kevin and Debbie for your hospitality and see you in 2020

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